Are you eager to find out how we can help?


For Sustainable, Comfortable Extensions

Our Align: Neurodiverse & Accessibility Design Package is tailored to clients seeking to create welcoming and accommodating spaces. This package places emphasis on accessibility and functionality, ensuring that each design respects and acknowledges individual physical or neurological differences.

This package addresses key aspects of design:

  • We start with an initial consultation to understand your unique needs, hopes, and budget constraints.

  • We include an assessment of your existing home’s energy rating

  • We undertake a detailed site analysis helps us grasp the opportunities and limitations of your existing space.

  • We generate practical design ideas to respond to your brief that utilise best practice sustainable design, including passive solar principles

  • We model our design responses to assess their suitability to Perth’s environment

  • We coordinate a cost consultant to provide a realistic cost estimate for your project.

Our aim with this package is to design homes that are both eco-friendly and comfortable, taking full advantage of Perth's unique climate to lower your energy bills and improve your day-to-day living

Perfect for those:

  • Residents wanting to make the most of Perth's unique climate while also keeping energy costs down.

  • Homeowners looking for practical design solutions for comfortable spaces that work with Perth’s environment.

  • Those aiming for a sustainable approach that doesn't sacrifice everyday comfort and usability.